Hash 2502 – Head Saves The Hash!
Hash 2502
Date: 13/05/2019
Time: 6:00 PM
Hare: Head With My Mom
Location: Heads House! Hashing in Adliya in the big dirt lot behind his house!
BH3 almost didnt have a hash but Head has stepped up to lay trail during Ramadan to make sure the hash continues as per usual! so make sure you come out for a good time! Bring BD 2 for the run, bring money for beer at the circle. We will have a drink stop! SURPRISE SURPISE!
Trail will be laid in premium white flour from lulu! There should be plenty of dollops of flour on the road sides, curbs, light posts, houses, cars, people, cats.. you name it! where there is flour there is trail! if you dont see the markings.. welll.. YOU ARE F*CKED!