Hash # 2481 – Hashing in Block 338

Hash # 2481


Time: 6:00 PM

Hare: Tentpole and The Pussy that shanked Me

Location: Block 338, in dirt lot behind Hong Kong restaurant and Multinational School Bahrain.

Bring a torch, bring a friend, and bring your membership money! It’s BD 2 for the run or BD 30 if you want to become a member for the year! if you want to become a member, see Drag Queen! membership means discounted events, free beer and food on some special occasions, and more! it also saves you a ton of cash!


We will be hosting the AGM on this mondays hash! So if you would like to help out with various positions on the hash, feel free to sign up for any of the available positions like GM, RA, Haberdasher, Hash Cash, hash flash, raffle meister, scribe, hareraiser, and webmaster! if you want a better understanding of the positions, please talk to any current member of the committee. all positions are up for grabs! the board will be out and markers ready!