Hash 2469 – BBQ/Social/Pool Party!
Hash # 2469 – BBQ/Social/Pool Party!!
TIME: 1800 OR 6:00 PM
Come run and unwind! There will be plenty of beer! There will be food! There will be a pool!! Its time to get social!
The price is BD 2 bd for BH3 members or BD 4 for you wankers who are not members!! IF you havent already paid, you can fuck off you c*nt! if you have promised to pay on the day, you are ok.. but only those who are on that list!
The party will be at STTI and RicO’shays! you can park in the dirt lot. do the run and then make your way up to the pool!!
Location: Um AL Hassam – STTI & SHays Place.. wait in the dirt lot!!!