Hash #2309

Hash #2309

Date: November 16th 2015

Time: 1800 or 6pm

Hare: Cuntinental jockey and Anal Vinyasa

Location: Juffair, in a dirt lot kinda near Pars Hotel

Directions: Google Maps to the Hash Run

When you enter Juffair on Awal Avenue, take the left at the first traffic light. Drive all the way down the road till you reach the T Junction and then turn right. Park along the dirt on the side of the road by the water. You will see some signs!

Screenshot 2015-11-15 22.02.21


Hash 2310 – Head With My Mom – Somewhere in Bahrain – TBA

Hash 2311 – Tarbitrator – Lobster Farm

Hash 2312 – Hare Needed

Hash 2313 – The Referee – Bahrain National Day Run –  TBA