Next Hash #2308

Hash # 2308

Date: 9th of November, 2015

Time: 6pm or 1800

Location: Nadeen School, behind the British Club in Adliya

Hares: PFM and RFM

Directions to the Hash:Google Map to Nadeen School

From Juffair: starting on Awal Avenue, turn left at the Juffair signl, heading south on Al Fateh Highway. Drive down Al Fateh highway, passing the old juffair signal. right after the light, there will be a right turn. take the turn, putting you on Mina Salman Avenue. drive down the road till you reach the DHL traffic light and turn left onto Mahooz Avenue. head down the road, take the second exit at the tiny roundabout. you will pass the British Club on your left and continue on the road. take your first left turn which should take you down a road between a bunch of houses and a few compounds. at the end of the road is a dirt lot which you will park on. Look for Signs.

nadeen school


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